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What Anxiety Feels Like

Has anyone ever asked you, “What does anxiety feel like?” 🤔 Probably not. And that’s because we all get it.

Anxiety may feel different for everyone, but we all experience occasional bouts of anxiety and nervousness. How could we not? There is an infinite number of experiences that would make anyone anxious. But while anxiety symptoms usually come and go, sometimes they can last for a long time and cause difficulty with the day-to-day aspects of life. 🙆

Anxiety may feel different for everyone, but we all experience occasional bouts of anxiety and nervousness. How could we not? There is an infinite number of experiences that would make anyone anxious. But while anxiety symptoms usually come and go, sometimes they can last for a long time and cause difficulty with the day-to-day aspects of life. 🙆

Generally, when we speak about anxiety, we refer to excessive and intrusive worrying that interferes with our ability to, well, function. But it’s not all in your head! Other signs include trembling, restlessness, sweating, tenseness, a tight chest, an increased heart rate, and stomach and headaches. 😰

These symptoms tend to make it difficult to focus, sleep or not snap at your friends – because, well, irritability. Irritability is a very common symptom of anxiety, especially during anxiety attacks. The last thing you want when you’re feeling anxious is to listen to your friend’s story or your colleague’s rant, so they’re likely to make you feel… irritated! 😡

You might experience these symptoms and you might also have other experiences or difficulties that are more specific to the way YOU react to anxiety. Either way, I bet you can’t wait to find a way to gradually start reducing them and stop having to perform in front of others while you’re looking for a way outta there… 👀

We think we can help. Our F’ing Anxiety stress-reducing supplements were created with this crazy idea in mind that maybe, just maybe, we can fight back when anxiety wants to take over. We like to say that taking a F’ing Anxiety is like swallowing a therapist, because… Well, why not find out for yourself, actually? 😊

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