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When is the best time to do a brain dump?

So when should you get all those thoughts that are jumbled up in your head out into the world? 🌎

A brain dump is about making all those thoughts, ideas, feelings, and information real by making them tangible. If you are the type of person who has everything planned down the minute, life still gets crazy and our brains still get overwhelmed with new ideas and thoughts. πŸ“±

They are a great way to help give you some mental clarity and to help make sure you remember those great ideas. πŸ“š

So when should you get all those thoughts that are jumbled up in your head out into the world? 🌎

It's a great idea to set aside some time every week for a weekly brain dump since the idea behind the brain dump is to keep your mind clear so you can focus on the projects that need your attention the most.

But that's not always the case, sometimes life happens and a brain dump is a great way to deal with whatever is happening:

➑ When you have a busy schedule

A brain dump is a great way to help you refocus on the task at hand.

➑ When you feel unbalanced or off

Taking a moment to release all those thoughts and feelings may help you feel better and get you back on track.

➑ When you are getting frustrated with work

Take a moment to release all those thoughts you have pent up inside your brain.

➑ When you have lots of new clients or projects

This is a great time to jot down the new ideas specific to each project you are working on so you stay organized.

➑ After an important meeting or client call

Sometimes it's easy to forget the details discussed or any new ideas that came to you. This way you can come back to it at a later stage.

➑ When you are planning out the future

A brain dump is a great way to see what your goals are so you can organize and visualize them.

➑ After learning something new

So often we forget what we just learned, a brain dump is a great way to keep notes of new things.

Comment below when was the last time you did a brain dump? πŸ‘‡

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