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Stress survival guide for the body!

Stress survival guide for the body!

We all know how the routine goes, and strangely enough, we can’t change it. The routine goes: Wake up, get ready, work, work, work, work, work, work, work, work, work, work, work, head home, prepare for bedtime, sleep, and repeat.😓 I know, the routine sounds exhausting. If you have big...... Read More
by Reduce Anxiety on February 08, 2021
5 Relaxing Bedtime Rituals

5 Relaxing Bedtime Rituals

Sleep the right way!⁣💤  Yes, you heard that right. There is a better way to hit the sack at the end of a tiring day at work.⁣ Sure, you can just head home, change your clothes, and go to bed, but let's be honest here. That surely isn't a good...... Read More
by Sleep Better on February 04, 2021
4 tips to improve mental clarity and focus

4 tips to improve mental clarity and focus

Let me guess. Is it another one of those days?⁣ 😓 SometimesYou wake up and just feel like something is off, but you don't know what it is. You do your morning routine and head to work. However, for some unknown reason, you're just not feeling right.⁣ No, it's not...... Read More
by Focus Better on February 02, 2021
What Anxiety Feels Like

What Anxiety Feels Like

Has anyone ever asked you, “What does anxiety feel like?” 🤔 Probably not. And that’s because we all get it. Anxiety may feel different for everyone, but we all experience occasional bouts of anxiety and nervousness. How could we not? There is an infinite number of experiences that would make...... Read More
by Reduce Anxiety on February 01, 2021
Do you struggle sleeping

Do you struggle sleeping

If you're reading this and it's past 10 PM, do me a favor. Head to your room and get some sleep!⁣💤 I've said it once, and I'll say it again. Sleep is incredibly important for you! It benefits not only your body but also your brain.⁣😲 ⁣Studies have shown that...... Read More
by How To Sleep Better on January 26, 2021
5 ways to mentally detox

5 ways to mentally detox

If you've noticed that your focus is not up to par, or your productivity isn't what it used to be, chances are you badly need a mental detox ASAP❗ Treat your brain like your room.⁣🧠 Take a look at your room right now. While looking around, what is the first...... Read More
by Reduce Anxiety on January 25, 2021
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