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Tips for a successful brain dump️

Tips for a successful brain dump️

A brain dump is a great way to get all those thoughts that are jumbled up in your head out into the world. 🌎 By doing a brain dump you are taking all those intangible thoughts and making them real by making them tangible. There are tons of ways to...... Read More
by Focus Better on October 11, 2020
What to do when work overwhelms you

What to do when work overwhelms you

Work can sometimes feel like a nightmare. There are those days where it feels like you spent all day working and yet you got absolutely nothing done. 😫 It's so easy to become overwhelmed at work and the line between "I have got this" and "I bite off more than...... Read More
by Focus Better on October 04, 2020
Top Causes of Neurotransmitter Imbalances

Top Causes of Neurotransmitter Imbalances

Neurotransmitters are the chemicals in our brain that are responsible for communication with our nerve cells. They are the messengers in our bodies. Sometimes those neurotransmitters fall out of balance. There can either be too much or too little in our brains. Either way, when they are imbalanced it could...... Read More
by Focus Better on October 04, 2020
❗ Do you suffer from headaches regularly?

❗ Do you suffer from headaches regularly?

Headaches can get in the way of productivity and even impede overall quality of life. Usually, they are often overlooked, but when they start becoming more prevalent, it’s time to consider what could be the true underlying cause. Some people simply learn to tolerate them, but wouldn’t you rather be...... Read More
by Focus Better on September 27, 2020
8 Top Superfoods

8 Top Superfoods

✳️ Boost your overall health and wellness by consuming these top superfoods more regularly! HAll of these foods listed above are incredibly nutrient-dense and pose many beneficial protective health outcomes. The great part about all of these foods is that they’re versatile and generally all very easily accessible. This means...... Read More
by Focus Better on September 22, 2020
Top 5 Brain training apps to improve memory and concentration 📱

Top 5 Brain training apps to improve memory and concentration 📱

👉 Just like you need to work out for greater overall physical health, you need to work out and challenge your brain to achieve optimal brain health too. You can easily get in an effective brain workout with these top five phone apps. Start small by simply setting aside a...... Read More
by Focus Better on September 22, 2020
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